Hi! I'm a loyal Devart customer for years. I have a lot of products, but only one is missing. A DBForge for FIrebird. I'm sure, I will be the one of first customers after releasing.
I tried many Firebird / IB tools, but they are too expensive and not so usefull with (for example) Delphi like DBForge for mysql or mssql. I agree with Elizeu Moresco and Coolday.
Hi! I'm a loyal Devart customer for years. I have a lot of products, but only one is missing. A DBForge for FIrebird. I'm sure, I will be the one of first customers after releasing.
I tried many Firebird / IB tools, but they are too expensive and not so usefull with (for example) Delphi like DBForge for mysql or mssql. I agree with Elizeu Moresco and Coolday.