Ability to export / get a report on a code review
Although version 2 has added reports and metrics, there is still no option to get a report on a single code review (eg see all comments grouped by filename)

Charles commented
We also need to retrieve the defects found in code reviews. The ideal would be a REST Api, it would allow any kind of export and we could create our own custom reports or reinject the data in other internal tools.
Scott commented
We are evaluating this tool for organizational wide deployment.
We have organizational tools which we are required to populate with Peer Review data (for CMMI Level 5).
I want to be able to produce some of that data simply by querying the reviewassistant database, extracting it to XML, and then uploading it to the Org's tools.
Basically I want to be able to extract the data that is available in the reports, but that doesn't seem possible.
Please help with this.
Also, CMMI requires you to track the time spent by each reviewer performing the review, the time it took an author to make corrections, and other metrics like that.
Does Review Assistant capture any of this data? Even if it doesn't capture elapsed time, if I can extract through query Time Stamps of when events happen (Like time stamp when the Reviewer marks the review as "Complete") then I could generate this data myself.
Dumitru Ozunu commented
It would be great to have to possibility to have a full report with the selected reviews (comments, who, what files, etc.) Right now I have ti extract this manually from the DB.
Blood commented
Please allow the user to configure how comments are ordered/grouped:
By File
By Reviewer
By Status
By Date EnteredThe option is saved for the user and used until changed. Also would like there to be a way to set the default sorting for a Project and then people can change their local settings after getting the default.
frederic.barriere commented
Yes, it would be very convenient to produce a report detailing the contents of the code review in order to present the realized work to a supervisor. It should include all comments, timestamps, auhtors, status ...
Patrick commented
This would be extremely useful, particularly for software which must pass various external compliance reviews such as PA-DSS. For this to be useful, we would need to document the review's author, moderator, submission timestamp, revisions, comments (with timestamps), reviewers (with approve/decline and timestamp).