Using TVirtualTable replace with TClientDataSet
1.supports Aggregates
2.supports Data And Delta!
3.supports binary formatter data,like TClientDataSet!
4.supports json data!
5.supports SQL Memory.
6.exports updated SQL!
7.Supports Merge Delta Data,Reconcile Delta Data!
8.Every record have Single row number,it can use to locate record!
9.Supports DataSetField!
10.Supports SetOptionalParam/GetOptionalParam

Stefano Monterisi commented
When Delta and Json support?
Without these TvirtualTable it is perfectly useless. -
Ertan Küçükoğlu commented
- Multiple Indexes
- Multiple fields in an index
- Ability to set an index as "Primary Key" or "Unique" or "CaseInsensitive", etc.
- *AND* providing a sort order by per field in a multiple field index (sort by first field descending and second field ascending)
would be wonderful. -
Anonymous commented
And add possibility to define more that one index. Now the changing the "IndexFiledNames" property leads to re-sort the contents of a table. I need more indexes and the possibility to change index on run-time without lost time for index recreate.
Anonymous commented
Agree, and Cloned Cursor is the most important in this for me.
Anonymous commented
Data And Delta! it should be priority
Anonymous commented
please first solve 6.exports updated SQL! thanks
Anonymous commented
I agree
Doug commented
I agree, we need a component to totally replace the tClientDataSet. If the tVirtualTable can have commandtext or sql capabilities, support aggregates, Data and Delta, it would be really close. Better yet, would be if the TMSQuery could support aggregates.
Cristian Peta commented
From TClientDataSet I use CloneCursor() to modify data without moving the cursor.
Norman Lok commented
I would like TVirtual Table support master/detail on the client side and stores master/detail data back to server within a single transaction. For aggregate SQL against TVirtual Table, I suggest add a component "TVirtualQuery". So, we can code our own statement such as "select sum(fieldA) as myTotal from TableDetail"
BrentD commented
The TVirtualTable would appear like a normal table on the client except it stores the data back to the server as a JSON string in a blob.
tintin commented
TClientDataSet have many bugs,we have to wait a long time to fix it!
if you improve TVirtualTable,I think your products will competely perfect!