Remember previous comparisions
Often I have to re-do a comparision between two files, for instance because one of them had been changed in the meantime. It would be great if Code Compare would remember the previous n comparisiona (n being something like 10 or so).
Rob Tillaart commented
Agree, not only files but also folders. The history should be one list containing paths from both left and right window. In the GUI it should be possible to select an history item to fill the left or as right window.
Implementation proposal:
The FILE MENU would get 2 options
=> RECENT 2 RIGHTboth show the SAME list of the last 10 or 20 comparisons.
* bonus: the list also shows a date/time of comparison e.g. 19/01/19 14:30
* bonus: at startup the application checks if the paths still exists and if not gray them out
* bonus: a quick compare with all files from history, so meaningfull candidates can be highlighted