file compare limit more than 3
I have multiple instances of the same code base. Despite searching all over the web for a good way to sync code across these instances when 90% but not 100% of the code is the same, the best I have been able to come up with is doing frequent file and folder compares.
Diffuse is the best utility available currently for something like this. But it is no longer being maintained and suffers from instability issues.
Code Compare is by far the best code file comparison utility available, but it has a limit of three files, and I don't think folders are able to do three at a time.
I have asked Devart if they plan to include this more than 3 feature. They say it would be very labor intensive so they do not have any plans for it. I can sympathize with this.
Does anyone else need this feature, or have another piece of software that can do it?