dbForge Studio for PostgreSQL?
Write please the program for PostgreSQL.

man commented
Gencer W. Genç commented
And now we have dbForge for PostgreSQL. Unfortunately, its only for PostgreSQL versions between 8.3 and 9.6. No PG10 support yet.
Anonymous commented
Andrey Smaluk commented
Амир Фаткулин commented
Petr Beles commented
Postgres is getting better and better and mysql looks like dying as serious application database
Yuri Abele commented
dbForge developers, give us some feedback please! Not just ignore us!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
+1, please
Nikolas commented
+1, very please
Artem commented
+1, Please
Fernando Soares commented
Are you kidding? All these horsepower and no dbforge studio for PostgreSQL yet? That's so frustrating. I thought I had found THE tool I was looking for. The market is thirsty. Will you just watch?
Andreas commented
Andrey Kalinin commented
Gencer W. Genç commented
But three years left since first post and no response yet.
Andrea commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
+1000000. Please create this tool!
Artem commented
+1000000. Please create this tool!
Michael Garrison commented
Using dbForge for SQL Server now and it is a terrific tool. The best db admin tool I have used and I have several. Also use PostgreSQL for most projects and would buy dbForge for PostgreSQL today if it were offered.