Alias generation new rules
I would like to get new options for alias generation that are not based on first letters of the object name but more on parts of the name itself.
I work with a database that uses the following name standard: T{1}{222}tablename where {1} equals the type and {222} equals the unique trigram for the table (ie: TRCUScustomer for customers table, R being a reference type). I would like the alias to use the {222} part of the name (so "cus" in this case).
So a new rule such as "T*{3}*" where the 3 characters between braces is identified as "first group" could be used in the action part.
I hope my request does not sound confusing and can be implemented.
I recently discovered SQL Complete and I think this software is really neat! Thanks for your work.

AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Thanks for your patience!
Please note that there are alias settings; look for them in the settings.
It is possible to create your own alias formation template.
Devart Support Team
usewriter commented
It seems the underscore character has been deleted in the post.
Just for my example to be more clear, the name standard is TR-CUS-Customer (where dash represents underscore)