Custom SQL file extensions.
All of our SQL scripts are in TFS so I tend to open them in Visual Studio, edit them there, and check'em back in. However, where I work, each "script type" has a different extension (not ".sql"). For example, a procedure script would be ".prc", table ".tab", view ".viw" etc... I'm not necessary in agreement with these naming conventions, but I have to deal with them nevertheless. The problem relating to SQL Complete is that these extension types are not recognized so I get none of those juicy features we all love. The only way around it is to change the extension to ".sql" and then change it back before checking in. I'm not sure how many of you are dealing with this but here's the idea: Provide a mechanism in the options somewhere, to add a list whatever custom extensions you would like enhanced by SQL Complete. This would be a GREAT feature for me personally should it ever get built in. If you could benefit from this, please vote!
see comments
Jeremia Mörling commented
I have this problem with Visual Studio 2015.
The "Devart SQL Editor" is visible when I right click an .sql file and choose Open With.
But it is not visible in the: Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> File Extension.
So I can't use it for files with other file extensions than sql.
Is this functionality broken in Visual Studio 2015? -
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
This feature already exists in Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio.
Open 'Tools' -> 'Options...' from the main menu
Then find the 'Text Editor' node and expand it.
Click on the 'File Extension' page. On this page, you can add your custom
For example, enter extension "prc" to the 'Extension' text box and choose
'Transact-SQL Editor' from the 'Editor' combo box, then click 'Apply'. Next time
when you open document with extension '.prc', you will see SQL Complete.