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Entity Developer

Entity Developer is a powerful ORM modeling and code generation tool for NHibernate, ADO.NET Entity Framework, and LINQ to SQL. It introduces new approaches for designing ORM models, boosts productivity, and facilitates the development of database applications.

Entity Developer



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  1. These enum type all go to database, and back to user, some time's its just a true false flag, and sometime much more complex, But, what is this about, is, we dont always use enum to store some state, some time we want to show it's value, and for me, it come to be atlast one in any of my form, this is nice i have enums, but i cant just show them , they should be modified to show result in some appropriate way, like more detailed, or for me, translated,...
    so what i have in mind, is to…

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  2. Would be good to allow customizing the error message for MaxLength attribute to say what MaxLength is limited to.

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  3. After creating a Entity Model based on SQL Server 2008, I have to change the connection string so that queries run correctly.

    I have to add...

    If would be nice if the Entity Developer would have this set by default just like the VS 2010 EDM designer.

    Also, It would be nice to be able to modify the connection properties using the "Edit Model Setting" screen instead of having to edit the string manually in the .edps code file.

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  4. If I define an extended property with name "GetAllEntitiesControllerAllowedForRoles" this is shown in IDE as "Get All Entities Controller Allowed For Roles" but I would like it to be shown as "GetAllEntities-Controller allowed for which roles". So it would be nice to have a displayName-attribute like in "normal" properties.

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  5. DbMonitor is a highly valuable tool for us to support Sql debugging between .NET and an oracle database server.
    I would like to just keep it running in background to be able to see what happened in case of an error, without having to restart it again and again.

    Unfortunately dbMonitor seems to take as more and more memory while running up to a bad handling of Out-Of-Memory execeptions spamming the screen and not even allowing to cleanly shutdown the dbMonitor application (except by killing the process).

    It would be great to fix that, e.g. by auto-pruning process logs when…

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  6. Debugging a multithreaded Ado.NET/EntityFramework application with DbMonitor is easier than without, but threads get mixed in the log and it's not possible to filter for a given thread (or I don't know how).

    One of the (or probably both) following features would help to make this much easier:

    1) Allow to Filter by StackTrace content: If I know which thread I am interested in I usually know the entrypoint method, which is a line in the stacktrace. As DbMonitor knows the stacktrace of any line t logs, filtering by stacktrace content would help to support this and probably additional usecases…

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  7. When developing with several people on the same Windows machine, DbMonitor always shows all processes of all users.

    As it's impossible to identify the right one (when more than one starts the same application) it would be great to be able to see the "owner" (user account name) and to filter the processes by it. Special case here: show only my own ones.

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  8. As a starting point in my software development projects, I use Entity Developer to create conceptual models of the associated business entities. Next, I generate a database based on the conceptual model. I then use DevExpress ExpressApp Framework (XAF) to create an initial user interface for populating the database with the content which describes the business entities. I would like a code generation template to generate the XAF C# code for the business objects in the Entity Developer conceptual model.

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  9. MySQL and Postgres standard naming convention uses snake casing, it would be essential to add a translator to translate to snake casing (database table name, database column name). Refer to forum post

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  10. In DB-first models, when any changes are done to the schema the developer has to manually update the model by running the wizard.

    There should be a way to update the model from a running db at build time. This way you can guarantee that nightly builds are consistent with the latest schema changes.

    Bonus points if you can save the options from the wizard (e.g. specific table names to be refreshed) and use them in the auto-refresh process.

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  11. Ability to choose whether to generate fluent mapping for all entities in the OnModelCreating method or to implement fluent mapping generation in the separate configuration classes - a class per entity.

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  12. When adding a column, to be able to auto-add a property (via tick box) that maps to it and uses a default but alterable type mapping table.
    E.g. Char becomes String, etc.
    If nullable then IS nullable.

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  13. Automatic mapping of CRUD functions by their names or user-specified rules

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