93 results found
Add automated rename feature
A few of our class names come out of the regenerate model needing slight changes. Give the user the ability to add mapping of generated name to the name they want to use. And give the user the ability to save this mapping to a file where they choose. Every time I regenerate I need to manually map the names.
3 votes -
"Recreate Database Tables"
I develop model first with Entity Developer. When starting a new project, its nice to use the "Recreate Database Tables" option in the "Update to database wizard". But, when the program is live, this option is DANGEROUS and can delete the tables in the database.
It would be nice, at some point, to go to the model settings and disable this checkbox so that it cannot accidently be clicked out of habit.
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Allow Configurable SQL naming conventions
The code Generation templates of Entity Developer allow to customize how the .NET code Looks like, but as far as I can see there is no way to define how Database object names are generated.
It would be great to be able to have the database Generation script somehow configurable.
I don't Need anything but changing the Name Generation for Triggers and sequences, so Options to configure that would solve my current Problem as well, especially as I guess making the whole Generation template configurable might be error prone.
3 votes -
Add Entity Designer support for Entity Parameters in Model-Defined Functions
Entity Framework supports Entity type parameters to MDF's in the conceptual model. Entity Designer does not. As a company who has migrated from EDMX to EDML for all your other advantages, this was a disappointing surprise that you don't support what EF does.
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2 votes
Default NHibernate filter
I think it would be really useful to implement a property to set a default NHibernate filter for all the classes,
maybe just below the "Filters" under the "General" section of the "Classes" node or maybe directly in the "Filters
editor" dialog.2 votes -
Auto assign Version=true for NHibernate
I think it can be easy for the software, when using the NHibernate templaes, to automatically recognize if a property is the "version" for a table when the db field is named "version" and its type is "int".
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Add support for organization based on name space in Entity Developer and Visual Studio integration
As the entity model grows, it makes it more difficult to see the namespace organization of the classes in both Entity Developer and Visual Studio. Add support for:
a) a namespace visual hierachy in Entity Developer. This can be either in the existing Class tree view or another tree view called Namespaces.
b) Generating and presenting CSharp code in visual studio based on the namespace hierarchy. This includes both the files on disk and the visual presentation under the hbml (or other) file in Visual Studio.
c) Knowing the root namespace defined in the model properties and organizing classes relative…2 votes -
Generate sql to multiple dbms
It would be nice to be able to generate SQL script from the model for multiple databases. Currently it is possible to replace the models connection, but having the option of choosing a target "dbms type" upon generation would allow us to discard external modelling tools.
The ideal solution would contain multiple relational models to control type mappings etc, but it would probably suffice with an option as described above.
2 votes -
After creating a Entity Model based on SQL Server 2008, I have to change the connection string so that queries run correctly.
I have to add...
MultipleActiveResultSets=True;If would be nice if the Entity Developer would have this set by default just like the VS 2010 EDM designer.
Also, It would be nice to be able to modify the connection properties using the "Edit Model Setting" screen instead of having to edit the string manually in the .edps code file.
1 vote -
displayName-attribute for extended properties in code generator
If I define an extended property with name "GetAllEntitiesControllerAllowedForRoles" this is shown in IDE as "Get All Entities Controller Allowed For Roles" but I would like it to be shown as "GetAllEntities-Controller allowed for which roles". So it would be nice to have a displayName-attribute like in "normal" properties.
1 vote -
Cover up for EnumTypes
These enum type all go to database, and back to user, some time's its just a true false flag, and sometime much more complex, But, what is this about, is, we dont always use enum to store some state, some time we want to show it's value, and for me, it come to be atlast one in any of my form, this is nice i have enums, but i cant just show them , they should be modified to show result in some appropriate way, like more detailed, or for me, translated,...
so what i have in mind, is to…1 vote -
Support for ErrorMessage where MaxLength could be substituted into {0} to customize the error message.
Would be good to allow customizing the error message for MaxLength attribute to say what MaxLength is limited to.
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Attribute designer
The Attribute Dialog (where you can add and edit custom attributes for Entities or fields) Shows value Editors as single-line Input field only. For longer values a multi-line Input field would be great to have to be able to see the complete Content.
1 vote -
enable to Filter by Stacktrace and/or Thread in DbMonitor
Debugging a multithreaded Ado.NET/EntityFramework application with DbMonitor is easier than without, but threads get mixed in the log and it's not possible to filter for a given thread (or I don't know how).
One of the (or probably both) following features would help to make this much easier:
1) Allow to Filter by StackTrace content: If I know which thread I am interested in I usually know the entrypoint method, which is a line in the stacktrace. As DbMonitor knows the stacktrace of any line t logs, filtering by stacktrace content would help to support this and probably additional usecases…
1 vote -
Generate JSON from an existing NHibernate (*.hbml) data model
If JSON can be created from an existing hbml data model, it will help to bind the data model class properties to the UI Form component classes and it will also help to find the association of classes in JSON as array of class objects (for 1 to many relationship) and so on.
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Allow removing running processes in DbMonitor
When a process terminates in a dirty way (e.g. a visual studio software killed by "stop debugging", dbMonitor keeps the process in the process list. It's possible to clear the log, but the process remains and cannot be removed.
This sounds useful as a default for "remove process", as usually a process that is still running may still be or become of interest again, but for processes that doesnt' exist any more it would reduce the necessity to restart dbMonitor every few hours.Maybe (although clearing the log should help even more), this would even support https://devart.uservoice.com/forums/38671-entity-developer/suggestions/12519276-fix-out-of-memory-exception-in-long-running-dbmoni and it may…
1 vote -
Fix Out-Of-Memory exception in long running DbMonitor
DbMonitor is a highly valuable tool for us to support Sql debugging between .NET and an oracle database server.
I would like to just keep it running in background to be able to see what happened in case of an error, without having to restart it again and again.Unfortunately dbMonitor seems to take as more and more memory while running up to a bad handling of Out-Of-Memory execeptions spamming the screen and not even allowing to cleanly shutdown the dbMonitor application (except by killing the process).
It would be great to fix that, e.g. by auto-pruning process logs when…
1 vote -
Create (materialized) Views via Entity Developer/Model
A View in Database Terms is a predefined, "constant" query generating something that behaves nearly identical to a table.
In contrast what Entity Developer calls a "view" is a query that is hard-coded into the Client side application code, sent to the database repeatingly and interpreted from scratch each time the applications accesses the database using that view.
This brings a few drawbacks:
1) A view query may be quite complex. A Database Engine might keep track of executions of that query and optimize it. This might be easier or even possible on views as the view is a known,…1 vote -
Improve the most-recently-used file list
Currently, there are two things missing from the most recently used file list.
1. You cannot remove an entry without modifying the Windows Registry. In Visual Studio you can right-click and remove.- It is missing duplicate checking. If I open the same file twice, I get two copies in the list.
1 vote
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