Multiple Database Connection for Each Environment
We are having 6 Databases for each Environment like Dev or QA or UAT or Prod. Also due to cost control, the customer wants to have the Dev, QA & UAT environment on the same Server.
I have access to all the Environments.
When I want to with UAT environment, I want to see only the 6 Databases that are associated with the UAT Environment. Currently it shows access to all the Databases.
I am the DBA and I want to make each connection with Name like UAT and only have 6 Databases selected.
Please add this feature.
Sundar Anupindi commented
Team - I am not looking for that option. I don't want to have connection of different clients in the same Database Explorer Menu.
How can I use Database Explorer assigned to each client and One for Production.I don' have option to upload any Screenshots. If so I would like to do it for better understanding.
If we can have a WebEx session, that would be great.