Refactoring of existing queries
Especially: renaming table aliases. Other suggestons:
adding aliases, adding or removing AS keywords, replacing aliases with table names or vice versa, removing 'redundant' aliases or table names.

We would like to let you know that we have released dbForge Studio for SQL Server, v3.8 Beta where the feature you reported is implemented.
Thank you for your help in improving dbForge Studio for SQL Server.
Roy commented
How can I quickly add a table name alias to an existing query (in a stored procedure or elsewhere) without having to do a find/replace operation? It would be awesome if dbForge would allow an existing TSQL query that currently does not have any table name alias specified to be quickly refactored with proposed alias names. Currently (in version 4.052) if I manually add a table name alias, the query can no longer be edited in the visual designer (for example) because the column names in the select portion of the query still has the original [table name].[column name]. An "Add Table Alias" refactor option (either in formatting options or via right mouse click) should be available that would automatically replace table names with a new table alias in existing queries that do not have a table alias specified. The rename alias feature is nice ... but dbForge also needs an "Add Alias" type of refactor option.