XML Viewer for XML Data type
In MSSQL Management Studio you have ability to view xml document returned from query or sp, as pretty formatted SQL document. It opens in separate window (fullscreen).
It is a must have feature in dbForge Studio for SQL Server

Matt G commented
It is true that they created a pretty printed viewer, but it does not save/export the xml as pretty printed nor are there collapsible tag blocks. My workaround for exporting or saving the data is to paste it into notpad++ and save as xml file which is a cumbersome process.
I opened enhancement threads on these subjects. Please allow saving of pretty printed xml.
Adrian Jones commented
A big improvement here is essential; I still have to run SSMS side-by-side dbForge as the app our database services exchanges data purely via XML. The existing viewer is just not usable for anything bigger than a handful of tags.
Mike Grasso commented
I agree. Editing XML data in dbForge is a pain. At least give a "pretty print" button in the LOB editor.
Neolisk commented
I would say it's a nice to have, rather than a must have.
Georgy Garnov commented
regarding simple code below
declare @x XML;
set @x = '<root>
select @x;
you will get text with your XML document like this http://prntscr.com/i8oox in dbForge SQL Server Management Studio and like this http://prntscr.com/i8ouy in Microsoft SQL Management Studio.
But in Microsoft SQL Management Studio you can click on blue line and get XML editor in new windows like this http://prntscr.com/i8oxd
I think this is very usable and must have in dbForge SQL Server Management Studio.Imagine that you will get xml document consists of 150 row nodes. In each row node you have about 40 child nodes. It is impossible to analyze such result in dbForge while in Microsoft you simple open result in XML Editor and fold/unfold nodes.
So, as a replacement for Microsoft SQL Management Studio, it is a must have feature in dbForge SQL Server Management Studio.