Execute current statement : CTRL+ENTER
CTRL+ENTER to execute the current statement, or be able to set the key combination(s) in Options.

This can be achieved as follows:
1. Select ‘Tools → Options…’ from the main menu. The ‘Options’ window opens.
2. Navigate to the ‘Environment → Keyboard’ branch.
3. Type ‘Sql.ExecuteCurrent’ in the ‘Show Commands Containing’ field.
4. Select the found ‘Sql.ExecuteCurrent’ command in the list below.
5. In the ‘Use new shortcut in’ field, select ‘Text Editor’.
6. Set the focus in the ‘Press shortcut keys’ field and press the required key combination.
7. Click the ‘Assign’ button.
8. Click ‘OK’.
AdminDevart (_, Devart) commented
Could you please describe the steps to reproduce this issue in detail and provide us a screenshot of dbForge taken at that moment?
You can send a reply straight to our support system at supportATdevartDOTcom and alexaATdevartDOTcom.
michael commented
on version 5.4.275
app hang sporadically on CTRL+ENTER pressed :(((Turn it back
Joost Van Gansbeke commented
Fantastic! Many thanks, Joost