Implement compression to get most out of the FireBird 3
Firebird 3 supports the compression between client and server.
If possible implement this, it would make significant impact to the speed on slow connection (especially with large queries)
We supported Firebird compression in IBDAC 6.4.1.
You can enable it using the WireCompression parameter:
Please note that you should use the zlib1.dll library, which has matching bitness. The zlib1.dll library should be placed in the directory with your executable file. Please make sure that your application uses the library the TIBCConnection.Connect method is called.
Jan Kohlmeyer commented
You need the zlib1.dll and then set this before connect:
MyTIBCConnection.Params.Values['WireCompression'] := 'true';With Firebird 3.0.4 you can test, if the compression is enabled:
select rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'WIRE_COMPRESSED') from rdb$database