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304 results found
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminDevart (_, Devart) commentedData abstraction layer or Thin client layer are vague enough concepts, whose interpretations are largely dependent upon specific situations. Do you mean creating an ORM or something different? Could you please describe this feature in more details, so that we (the Devart team) and other users, voting for this feature, understand it better?
83 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminDevart (_, Devart) commentedOur DataSets already have the FetchRows property which provides this functionality (If FetchRows = 1000, Next will retrieve additional 1000 records when 1000th record is reached). Also you can use FetchRows=1000 and UniDirectional=True if you want keep in the memory last 1000 record only. Please tell us if you mean some other functionality for “max count”. MaxFetchRows should set the absolute limit.
AdminDevart (_, Devart) shared this idea · -
144 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminDevart (_, Devart) commentedWe will support this feature when unique constraints are supported in Entity Framework mapping and run-time. Currently our support is the following: if a table does not have a primary key but has a unique key, entity key is set to unique key constraint columns when creating a model in Entity Developer with the Database First approach.
Please, give us an example with a description of what do you mean by "Assign blobs by simple assignment".