Agree. There are many times when one needs a field independent of the underlying database.
Using calculated fields is problematic if one needs to recursively change the calculated field to update the existing DB field.
e.g. suppose one had a table with a 'primary' field used to calculated other field values such as a '%' field that is used to calculate the quantity in grams based on some 'total quantity' factor. If the 'grams' field is 'auto calculated' then one cannot change this field value and re-calculate the '%' field.
As Piotr has commented, many of your opposition companies have this ability in their DB components so they feel it's necessary too.
Agree. There are many times when one needs a field independent of the underlying database.
Using calculated fields is problematic if one needs to recursively change the calculated field to update the existing DB field.
e.g. suppose one had a table with a 'primary' field used to calculated other field values such as a '%' field that is used to calculate the quantity in grams based on some 'total quantity' factor. If the 'grams' field is 'auto calculated' then one cannot change this field value and re-calculate the '%' field.
As Piotr has commented, many of your opposition companies have this ability in their DB components so they feel it's necessary too.